Buddy PegsBuddy Pegs is a family-oriented bike company aimed to motivate, encourage, and inspire both kids and adults to get off their phones and on their bikes. Dedicated to a mission to help save the planet by growing the number of kids on bikes, Buddy Pegs influences the Northwest Arkansas community by hosting bike camps, biking classes for children, and countless community events. Not only this, but Buddy Pegs has contributed to teaching children how to read and communicate all through their educational books, “B is for Bentonville” and “B is for Bicycles”. 

From teaching kids how to pedal to shredding dirt on the NWA biking trails, Buddy Pegs’ coaches use their love for children and biking to lead a fun laugh-filled ride with countless memories for both the kids and the coaches. The goal is for kids to bring their love for biking into their own homes and use riding as a bonding experience the whole family can enjoy together. The relationships that grow between children and parents are undeniable, and friendships are inevitable when participating in a Buddy Pegs program.

Since 2015 Buddy Pegs has aimed to help families find adventure together in the outdoors, becoming adventure families. Whether you are looking for a new bike for your child or yourself, want to put your child in a bike class or summer camp visit Buddy Pegs at 3605 NW Wishing Springs Dr or check out their website at buddypegs.com. Within their stores, they sell kids bikes, mountain bikes, and cargo bikes for every age! You can visit their retail store near Bella Vista, or rent/demo a bicycle at the 8th Street Market.

Guest blog by Scott Fitzgerald, Founder/CEO at Buddy Pegs

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