There’s been a Bigfoot sighting in Bentonville.. or at least a Sasquatch sculpture.
“Sassy the Sasquatch” is being installed near Crystal Bridges.
The sculpture stands at 11 feet tall and weighs about 1,100 pounds.
Artist Amanda Willshire spent six months creating Sassy out of steel and bike chains.
She said she got the idea from growing up in Arkansas and joking with her friends about the legend of Bigfoot.
“We would always talk about Bigfoot, you know to try and spook each other out and be like don’t go over there..there might be a Bigfoot or a Sasquatch and your typical drawings and photographs of Bigfoot are male, so I thought it would be kind of fun to make a female version,” Willshire said.
The sculpture was brought to Bentonville in a Walmart truck from her studio in Denver, Colorado.
It will be installed permanently on the corner of Tiger Boulevard and A Street.